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For key exchange, client apps make handshake calls to ask wallets to generate and share a key to encrypt subsequent messages on the session.

Handshake request message from client

content of a handshake message contains following:


Bundle ID (iOS) or application/package ID (Android). e.g. "com.coinbase.SampleClient"


Sender's URL to receive response from receiver. For the best security measure, universal links (or app links) are recommended.


(optional) Actions to request after successful handshake process. e.g. eth_requestAccounts to get user's eth account info along with the handshake response

Example request message

"version": "1.0.3",
"sender": "lEC/X3K68rlgOoldMdk0D77738Y7W0mDbMMV5R6VyCE=",
"content": {
"handshake": {
"appId": "com.coinbase.SampleClient",
"callback": "myappxyz://mycallback/wsegue",
"initialActions": [
"paramsJson": "{}",
"method": "eth_requestAccounts",
"optional": false
"timestamp": 689587969.289106,
"callbackUrl": "myappxyz://mycallback/wsegue",
"uuid": "451711FA-96B6-4955-B6EA-EFA78CEB89F5"

Response from wallet

Once the host wallet verifies the client app and gets approval from the user, it generates a key pair for the session and shares it with the caller.

Example response message (success)

"version": "1.0.3",
"sender": "EnX8x2D6lHzTg8YZCLybHPwivbCBRyFlP8aA235+MBg=",
"content": {
"response": {
"requestId": "5A920962-ECBE-42BC-A956-83A56F0D52F8",
"values": [
"result": {
"value": "{\"chain\":\"eth\",\"networkId\":1,\"address\":\"0x571a6a108adb08f9ca54fe8605280F9EE0eD4AF6\"}"
"timestamp": 689615011.030334,
"uuid": "7446663A-685A-47E5-89E3-C1D37F085330"

Example response message (failure)

"version": "1.0.3",
"sender": "lEC/X3K68rlgOoldMdk0D77738Y7W0mDbMMV5R6VyCE=",
"content": {
"failure": {
"requestId": "B78F510E-DD5C-4477-8350-7550FAC7452E",
"description": "Request denied"
"timestamp": 689611333.369556,
"uuid": "E485820B-8F5E-4F8C-9A00-CE5B5B9C6F35"